jeudi 19 juillet 2012

Your Thoughts Create your Reality

Create your Reality

When you start to understand that you are not your thoughts, that you are a being with a powerful inner spirit that happens to also have a brain that does what brains do, non-stop generation of thoughts, you can step back and observe this and take control. Consider how you can choose how your brain operates just as you make these decisions about using your arm or your fingers or your eyes every day of your life.
The realization that you actually could control and direct your thoughts to create whatever reality you choose can open up a whole new world. If, for example, you tell yourself that you cannot succeed at something - then you probably won't. So, the obvious question is why tell yourself that? And yet we do it all the time..

There's so much groundbreaking work in this area over the past decade, everything from the books on the Law of Attraction (including the blockbuster work called "The Secret") and new science indicating that thoughts are actually bits of quantum energy (see my post entitled "The Science behind the Mystery"), which opens up even more unbelievable implications for our potential capabilities if we can master our mind.
Louise Hay (founder of Hay House) is an inspiring example of this powerful concept in action. Her countless books and CD's on Affirmations show how you can change your life by the very simple practice of constantly generating positive, life-affirming thoughts. From "Power Thoughts" by Louise Hay: "Trust life to hear and respond to your positive words. Say these affirmations every day and your whole world will change for the better."

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