mardi 31 juillet 2012

Practice Forgiveness


Oprah and others, have defined Forgiveness as recognizing that you can't change the past. We hold onto a lot of resentment and in the end, who does it hurt? We hurt ourselves more than anyone else. Accepting what has happened and creating the space to move on can be a powerful step forward.
Sometimes, particularly if you have been a victim of crime or abuse, whatever happened may seem 'unforgiveable'. In these cases, remember that forgiveness does not mean you have to let that person back into your life but it can release you from the hold that this has on you.

vendredi 27 juillet 2012

Trust that the universe is unfolding as it should

Or perhaps an easier way to say this is, Have Faith. Sometimes in our darkest hours, when nothing seems to be going as we had wanted or expected, we can't see this. We want only to fight against what is. Everything will not always go our way but, if you trust life and let it unfold, as Mick Jagger said, "you just might get what you need".

lundi 23 juillet 2012

Be Grateful


Expressing gratitude, especially if you can make it a daily practice to declare everything you are grateful for in your life, can create positive self-affirming thoughts instead of negative ones and align your attention to everything that is good in your life. This alone can be transformational. Many current thought leaders and spiritual teachers encourage people to keep a gratitude journal.

jeudi 19 juillet 2012

Your Thoughts Create your Reality

Create your Reality

When you start to understand that you are not your thoughts, that you are a being with a powerful inner spirit that happens to also have a brain that does what brains do, non-stop generation of thoughts, you can step back and observe this and take control. Consider how you can choose how your brain operates just as you make these decisions about using your arm or your fingers or your eyes every day of your life.
The realization that you actually could control and direct your thoughts to create whatever reality you choose can open up a whole new world. If, for example, you tell yourself that you cannot succeed at something - then you probably won't. So, the obvious question is why tell yourself that? And yet we do it all the time..

vendredi 13 juillet 2012

Be Present , Be Here Now, Be Happy

Be Happy

Studies suggest we have somewhere between 12,000 to 65,000 thoughts per day, although I've seen reference to a wider range (between 2,000 to 600,000!). Most commonly, 50-60,000 is considered a good estimate.
Being human means being inundated with thoughts all day, every day: endless observations, judgements, interpretations, complaints, worries, 'what-ifs', memories, regrets, wishes, desires, dreams about our future, anger about our past, and on and on. I've seen statistics indicating 95% of them are similar from day to day. Some thoughts seem completely random, others can hijack us as we follow a thread and let our emotions react to what are sometimes completely irrational, twisted versions of reality. For me, it has been a major breakthrough to understand that I am NOT my thoughts. For too long, my thoughts ran me. They still try to, every single day, but I am watching them now. I used to look to my thoughts for meaning, wondering why I was suddenly upset when nothing had happened.

mardi 10 juillet 2012

Application for HAPPINESS


Wouldn't be amazing to have an app for happiness? You just get your smart phone and then click on the app and Voila, you are happy. If someone can come up with that application and sell it in the market, it would be THE MOST popular download ever invented. Would love to be the one who creates that app. But let's just think of that for a moment. Create the "Happiness" application. Well, what if I tell you that everyone is a creator of that app, everyone can be happy based on their day to day activities and with one touch (thought I should say), YOU ARE HAPPY. Everyone needs to learn how to increase their level of joy and happiness and how to see and focus on the good things in your life.

samedi 7 juillet 2012

Choose the happy path

happy path

A person lives with one second at a time. Each day we have 86,400 second to spend them the way we choose. After you factor out the time you are asleep you still have a lot of seconds each day. If I told you that you can invest 86,400 dollars and get 2,000,000 dollars in return you would jump on the offer. Same thing with our time. Our time is worth more than money, you have to invest it properly. Invest your seconds for appreciation, gratitude, joy, accomplishment, growth, development of your character, and other things. Let yourself live a good life and you yourself will enhance the lives of the people around.