dimanche 9 février 2014

What activities make you happy?


People are often converged on their goals. Instead these are habits I admire to do and want to make sure I make period for them in my active schedule. Writing them down helps me keep them in the top of my mind. For the most part they are activities I've been doing in previous years and I know they do a lot for my well being. What causes you happy?

1. Meditation time each day :
 This is a practice I am developing with the assistance of a coach friend. I adore doing it but get so involved in my work taking time for this is often challenging. I've set up a special calm place in my home to do this that is inviting and restful. It facilitates having a coach remind me too.
2. Two weeks of vacation time :
 This is something I instituted 3 years ago when I noticed that some years went by with no real vacation. I try to find something untimely in the year to put on my calendar for July. Sometimes I split the vacation time so there is some left for later in the year. Knowing it is on my calendar in January gives me something to look forward to.
3. Read at least one book a month that is non work related
 I have a book club that keeps me honest on this one. I've been doing this for about 5 years now and have read a variety of books both fiction and non fiction. This month was the autobiography of Sidney Poitier and last month In the Heart of the Sea, a book about the whaling ship, Essex, that sank in the 1800s.
4. Exercise three times a week :
 OK I said these are habits I care to do but not this one. I just like the way I feel after I am done! Amazingly even though I don't admire it I am very good about doing this regularly.
5. One totally free day each month with no agenda  :
 Not so long ago Massachusetts had blue laws that kept all stores closed on Sunday. That meant Sunday was a really quiet day. I desire the peace and quiet of having nothing scheduled. You aptly can tell I am a planner so not planning is hard for me but when I do it I love it.
6. One concert or play each month  :
 Since I love music this one isn't arduous either. During the month of December I went to two different Christmas Concerts. I like religious music of all types. (I sing in a Gospel Choir) December is a really good month for hearing this kind of music.
7. Try something I've never done  :
 I try to do something fresh every year. Last year I went to the opera in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the year before I sang a solo at a workshop in Italy and another year I learned Yoga. This year who knows maybe I'll take up painting, do an improv class, or try ball room dancing.
8. More flowers in the house  :
 I love gardening and in the summer bring lots of flowers into the house. This winter I picked up some winter evergreens to spread throughout my home but there is nothing like a beautiful flower to lift my spirits. In December I bought a beautiful rose for my kitchen table and today I bought a lovely flowering primrose plant that sits on my kitchen window.
9.Grandchildren Time:
Nothing is more fun for me than spending time with my grandchildren. Last year I took my granddaughter to her first ballet. It was special performance of Cinderella for young children. She loved it and I loved watching her enjoy it. The same day I took my grandson out for an ice cream cone and scooter ride.
10. Have pedicure, facial or massage at least 6 times during the year. Another way to relax is to get away from it all for an hour or so. I enjoy it when I do it but unless I put it on my calendar I forget about it.
By Alvah  Parker : http://www.asparker.com

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