mercredi 12 février 2014

Real happiness is whatever you make it

Real happiness

 The question or judgment of true, real happiness is profound within your mind, eyes, heart, spirit and soul and when these all extent out to the very same thing, then we comprehend what our true sincere happiness is. observe all of them must be in attachment in order for the real happiness to be the most sincere one that we will know in our lives. When some are separate or have different happinesses, that is when the fake happiness is gained by us, that temporary happiness.
For example, a person becalms there,sad and sullen, completely unhappy, perhaps fearful and anxious. That person falsely senses that lawless drugs will make him happy. The person's eyes and emotions and mind are not connected, not believing the same truth. The person's eyes and feelings want the illegal drugs. Yet, the person's mind knows and sees and believes that the drug is bad and also knows that there conceivably might be grave negative consequences if they take those drugs. If they didn't affirm it was negative then they would not hide the drug use but do it out in the open, but most drug users and abusers (before they are completely hooked) do their drugs in secrecy; they hide the drugs and they hide themselves from their colleagues and family while they are doing the illegal act. So, they are not fully connected to themselves, and when they are not truly joined to themselves they can make only opposing choices which always give them false, temporary happiness. So, only negative happiness, fake happiness or temporary happiness comes when a person's mind, spirit, eyes, soul and brain are separate, making separate decisions.
YOU, only you, know what makes you happy. And when you think you have found your true sincere happiness, you need to ask yourself is your entire mind, body, eyes, spirit and soul connected and agreeing with your happiness choice? If they are all connected then you truly have found your real happiness in your life.
Happiness is what you want to make it and happiness, true sincere happiness will bring you closer towards your goals. When you are truly connected to every bit of yourself, you will make decisions that are connected to the real you and you will begin to experience real happiness. That is your answer. Only you know what makes you happy. So where do you being? How do you start this quest? Do you prance out on your horse, like Don Quixote, fighting imaginary enemies that are windmills? Do you waste any time like that at all? No one knows. Only you know. However, I will offer some ideas, some suggestions, some thoughts that might bring you closer to your goal of finding real, true, and sincere happiness.
Here are some things,events, hobbies and causes you can get,join and follow up on to see if any of these bring you closer to your real happiness. Try some of these (if they sound interesting to you).
Visit the Kutztown Pennsylvania Dutch Festival
Find your way to Pennsylvania and go horseback riding through the woods with a guide.
Celebrate your birthday four months after the real date of your birthday.
Work in a soup kitchen or better yet, volunteer for one.
Take a city bus ride to the end of the line to a part of town that you have never been to before.
Color Easter Eggs in November.
Start a club. Go to Yahoo or some other online internet provider and begin a club. Make it your goal to have 100 members.
Sing in the shower.
Shave all of your hair off.
If you can afford it, buy a brand new car.
Buy a Happy Meal and save the toy for someone young.
Bake a surprise cake for someone.
Take a whole week and do not listen to any national or federal news anywhere.
Diet only on weekends or during the week and treat yourself the rest of those days.
Cut coupons out of the newspaper and donate them to the library for their coupon box.
Sit in a whirlpool for 10 minutes and then go back for 10 more and 10 more minutes.
Go jogging, walking or hiking.
Invite someone to lunch or breakfast.
Try and make someone else happy, and in turn, you might share some of that happiness.
Visit a foreign country.
Go swimming.
Join a twelve-step program. There is one for weight, alcohol, narcotics, obsessions and many, many more. Choose an appropriate one for you.
Dye your hair a funny color
Make yourself a second birthday. That's right. Choose your own birthday. Choose month and year and celebrate your birthday twice a year, first on your real birthday and then again on the day and date that you choose.
Register to vote and be sure to vote when the time comes around.
Buy your Christmas presents in January.
Attend a local festival or parade.
If that doesn't make you happy, round them up and bring them to Save Our Strays.
Learn a new language.
Buy a towel or t-shirt that has a message on it. Spread your message all over town.
Go around and pick up your stray neighborhood cats and bring them to good homes or donate them to the shelters.
Travel to a state that you have never been to before.
See a movie at the theatre.
Rent a movie and stay home and eat popcorn (even if it is not on your diet).
Do whatever causes you happy. select things from this list until you detect what positively makes you happy.  Be Happy!

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