jeudi 13 février 2014

Happiness is a Choice


The admirable advice is that we can select how happy we want to be.
When you feel unhappy, you automatically assume it is due to a lack of something. You currently begin to desire material things hoping it will fill that void that you feel. Maybe it's a new car, or a new house, or a new job. You begin to anticipate these things, waiting for your happiness to attain. When the quick fixes don't arrive the unhappiness still exists.

The root of the problem stems from a distorted self-perception. The perception you carry of yourself can sabotage any chance you have of happiness. The first step in adopting a life of happiness commences by changing your self-concept.

You must believe you can be happy at whatever stage of life's journey you are at. When I suffered my stroke at 37, it was a very trying period of my life that made me feel very fearful and sad. The recuperation from brain surgery left me feeling helpless and unhappy. I didn't know how long my recuperation process would last but I realized I had to do something to bring some joy and happiness back into my life.

I made the decision to work with the impoverished, helping to restore a clinic that was destroyed in an earthquake. My happiness was instantly restored. I felt happy for life and living. I recognized that happiness is a choice and I chose to do something to bring back some joy and happiness to my life. I felt happy for each breath I was able to take. I gave thanks each day for the chance to awake to see my family.

You too can claim your happiness. You too can make that decision to find happiness in your life. No one expects you to be perfect. You are the one that hold yourself to perfection. Find ways to restore peace and joy in your life and observe how much more success you will achieve. Events in your life will flow smoother, relationships will be more meaningful and life will be sweeter.

The sooner you agree that happiness is a decision, and that you can select to be happy, the sooner you will begin to sense happiness transferring through you. Make that decision now!

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