dimanche 17 février 2013

How to be happy in life

Definition of happiness
Happiness is much more than can be described by an article, some people describe as a sense of happiness that you feel when you realize that everything is true and it also must be, and others know as a sense of happiness that you feel when you achieve your goals
And others describe access to internal peace and contentment.

Although the definition of happiness thing is not that easy, but it does not bother us at all, the aim of this article is to teach you how to be happy instead of giving you a philosophical definition of happiness has nothing to Li alleged impact happiness, our goal here is influencing and tips not philosophy

Happiness is something different for each person
This means that what a person is happy can only be happy someone else, there are people would be happy if he became rich, but for someone else may not represent money anything. And so it would be wrong to say that money can not buy happiness because in some special cases happiness depends on money because happiness is relative. Usually be happy when you get something that meets an unmet need - for example - if you suffer from insecurity for your financial future there will be nothing makes you happy only get the money while when alone there would be nothing makes you happy only intimate relationship.

But what if you need more than one thing? What if you are alone and at the same time suffering from insecurity? In this case, finding an intimate relationship will make you happy but over time you will get used to it and you will feel after you are unhappy because of the lack of physical security.

How to be happy in life.
Next speech is not a magic formula for happiness and not the guarantor of certain of happiness, but certainly Btaatbek following steps will get a dramatic change in current levels of happiness felt by:

- You can only sense a feeling one at a particular time: the general law of sensations is you do not you can feel more than a sense of one in a certain time - for example - if you're worried you can not feel happy and if you are depressed you can not feel excited. By adopting this information all you have to do to feel happy is to get rid of all the sensations bad or unwanted, just left feeling that prevents you from feeling happy and read him as much as possible, ask for help if one can not get rid of it by yourself and do What can get rid of it, these feelings Bakdhaek unwanted may not feel happy quickly, but you will have opened the doors of happiness Basaltk her first barrier. Site here contains articles enable you to get rid of the majority of bad feelings and so it will not tire in the search

- Find out what makes you happy: If you want to be happy, you must first know what makes you happy, just try to imagine something that if it happens will make you happy and when you find this thing fought for it, fought until you get it.
- Positive thinking and optimism: It is possible that they may have asked yourself Can I feel happy despite the existence of a big problem you do not have a solution? Yes you can, knowing that the day will come you will have a problem, this is called thinking positive, optimism or hope. Learning How to be a positive thinker and that will open the doors of hope and then happiness.
- Happiness and religion: this branching point from the previous point, there is simply no nothing makes a positive or optimistic thinker only faith that there are higher powers of all forces help, in this case power is the Supreme God, if you believe that there are those who will help you if it will be a positive thinker and the big problem will appear as a temporary issue because the solution is guaranteed.
- Happiness and your purpose in life: a purpose for life to have possible only makes you feel happy alone but the lack of purpose of life could turn your life into a miserable life, a lot of people who commit suicide because they do not know why they are here or what they should do in this life. To be happy then seriously searching for the goal of life.
- Happiness and love: the presence of friends lovers, partner life woven or loving family may affect the degree of happiness, when surrounded by love, the problems big show like small and life will be happier, social relations in general give you the opportunity to escape healthy problems but do not run away without taking positions to solve your problems, bad Immerse your feelings this beautiful relationship and at the same time work to solve real problems.
- Increasing levels of happiness: if you know what makes you happy and if this thing can be easily reached, know that the participation of this experience with someone else would be happier. Are you compare sensation you feel when you watch a movie comedy by yourself and feeling that you feel When you see with some close friends? most likely you will discover that the view it with your friends will increase the level of happiness to share your experiences with the one you love to be happy.

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