jeudi 7 juin 2012

Finding Happiness

Finding Happiness

Are you one of the many people who desperately want to change your life and find happiness but get stuck afraid? Its ok, it happens to the best of us. However, you must move through fear if you really want to transform your life and create the peace and joy you know you can have.
Fear is generated through thoughts in your mind like “what if”. They are the thoughts that warn you that something potentially bad could happen. Another way fear is generated is by our mind replaying past events in our lives. Lots of times, these events didn’t have the best outcomes and you probably don’t ever want to experience them again.

One of the best ways I have found to get passed fear is to recognize it’s origins of doubt. Yes, some of the possibilities painted in your mind about potential negative outcomes could be true. The trick is to know that those outcomes are A TRUTH but not THE TRUTH. Sometimes what you fear may not even be a truth at all.
Life is always going to be full of yummy……and dangerous possibilities. You will have to face both sides of that fence every day of your life. But the more you see the process as a possibility and the THE TRUTH, then the more likely you are to push passed the fear to experience something brand new.
What if THE TRUTH is the positive outcome? What if your life improves by leaps and bounds by one major decision? You will never know unless you take that chance.
So never let fear tell you that is the only truth.
Another tip to move through fear is to do it gradually. Break down whatever it is that you want to do (but you are afraid to do) into smaller tasks. Then tell yourself that you only have to accomplish one piece of the puzzle – that one task. If you don’t like it, then you can always go back to where you came from.
For example: let’s say I want to start a new online business. I am afraid because I don’t know how and I could lose money if I try it. In this situation, I would break this down into the first task of getting educated. Since I am afraid of losing money, I would start by using free methods like the internet or library for education. By doing this, I will most likely learn things I didn’t know before. This new knowledge will create a new sense of security when spending money on my new online business. One step can lead to the next.
Walking through fear can be a bit like driving around at night time. You take one step at a time and you can’t physically see where you are going, but you have an idea in your mind about where you want to go. You sometime are afraid you might even hit something you can’t see. But you still drive around at night don’t you?
Take baby steps when needed, but don’t let fear paralyze you. Along the way you may discover that things were never as horrible as you initially pictured them. And you may discover that things are a whole lot easier than you ever dreamed possible.

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