jeudi 16 août 2012

Conscious Evolution


Last year, I took the Evolutionary Worldview Course through Enlightennext Magazine and Andrew Cohen and later, watched the event: "A Call to Conscious Evolution, Our Moment of Choice" which was also hosted by this group. Both experiences were inspirational and eye-opening. As Deepak, one of the many renowned speakers at the Evolutionary Leaders' event, said: "... the only way to transform the world is to transform yourself.." and "... even well-meaning activism is often coming from a place of outrage rather that creative consciousness.."

This jives with many of the teachings of Andrew Cohen and his team with respect to the evolution of our interior dimension and our culture. Our mind, our being, or our "interior dimension" as they call it have evolved just as our bodies have. They talk about 4 billion years of evolution on this planet and how we, as sentient, powerful beings, can now choose where we go from here. They ask questions like: "how does your own evolution come into the culture, into changing the world?" and "To what degree are you enabling this process of evolution through your own heroic efforts?" so that we can leave the world a better place because we were here.
Making conscious decisions everyday to feed and exercise your body for optimal health and well-being is the other side of the coin to choosing the thoughts that you feed yourself for optimal mental health and well-being. WILL POWER has a whole new depth of meaning...

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